New RCMP Special Victims Unit in Penticton

New RCMP Special Victims Unit in Penticton

Focus of the unit will include investigations where violence against women and children are involved

To enhance investigations involving Penticton’s most vulnerable, RCMP have established a Special Victims Unit.

“These kinds of sensitive investigations take a special kind of officer. The two assigned to this unit are highly-trained and professional and will provide a much-needed complement to our front line investigators,” said Const. James Grandy, in a news release.

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In September, the Penticton detachment created a new two officer plainclothes investigation team. The two positions were created from existing plainclothes resources. The focus of the unit will include investigations where violence against women and children are involved.

Grandy said the SVU will work closely with other government and community agencies to protect and support those victims of crimes of a highly sensitive nature. They will conduct, support and provide oversight on investigations involving: high-risk domestic violence offences, internet based exploitation and serious sexual assaults.

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