New recruit comes from policing family

RCMP Const. Kyle Dornan happy to be posted in 100 Mile House

Kyle Dornan

Kyle Dornan

100 Mile House RCMP Const. Kyle Dornan, who comes from a policing family, says he is pleased to be serving in the South Cariboo.

“I graduated from academy in January this year and came here in February. 100 Mile House is my first posting.”

Dornan and his young family are settling in nicely in the area.

Because most of his experience has been on either the ocean or rivers, the constable says he is looking forward to getting on the lakes for some fishing.

He is going through his field training, a probationary period that introduces the job on a more gradual basis.

Dornan and his family moved from Vancouver Island, and prior to entering the RCMP Academy, he worked for 10 years with the Coast Search & Rescue.

When he first arrived in 100 Mile House, Dornan was teamed up with a field trainer who not only showed the new constable to the area, but he also introduced him to the community leaders.

The field trainer also helped Dornan with the daily duties expected of him, which included paperwork and taking him on patrols.

“The main concern is taking our theory and simulated practice training we received at the RCMP Academy and put it into practice, he explains.

We build off the platform of that knowledge and apply it in the real world.”

Dornan has his own cruiser and drives patrols alone now, but his field coach is still overseeing him – now more of a mentor.

The new constable will be on probation for the next year and has on-going evaluations on his performance level.

Dornan says he is proud to be a police officer.

My father is a retired RCMP officer. We moved around to a few different areas while I was growing up.

“Even though it is my first posting, the new building is fantastic and the people here are great. I know I’m really going to enjoy 100 Mile House.”

100 Mile House Free Press