New school zone coming for KCA

Kootenay Christian Academy will be getting a school zone on Kootenay Street North.

The city will be replacing the 40 km/h speed limit signs on Kootenay Street North with 50 km/h maximum speed limit signs, as well as new 30 km/h school zone signs.

At Monday night’s city council meeting, council approved changing the signs out for the new ones and creating the school zone in front of Kootenay Christian Academy.

The school requested that the city install a school zone on Kootenay Street North. The city’s Engineering department agreed that a school zone would be appropriate there because the school grounds is not fenced. The only stipulation the engineering department gave was the removal of the 40 km/h zone.

City staff noted: “The current traffic markings are confusing and are composed of 40km/h tabs under pedestrian crossing ahead signs that do not meet the City’s Streets and Traffic Bylaw. Increasing the maximum speed limit to 50km/h and installing a 30km/h school zone will remedy this issue.”

The estimated cost for three 30 km/h tabs and the installation of two maximum 50 km/h signs is $720.

Coun. Ron Popoff noted that the city could make use of the traffic speed display signs within the Carry-Forward budgeted items. Council will again look at the Carry-Forward budget on Feb. 4.

“It’s come to my knowledge as we’re doing some of our budget work that we have a few portable traffic speed signs that you see how fast you are going at a particular time,” Popoff said. “I’m just wondering if that would be appropriate to put up at the new school zone designation should we pass this motion, we also give the public a heads up of what their current speeds are and that there’s a new speed limit.”

Charlotte Osborne, Director of Finance and Computer Services, noted those items are in the budget carry forward schedule, so have not yet been purchased.

Popoff should that go through “this could be an incredible opportunity to start using our new found budgeted equipment to bring attention to new traffic zone changes and speed limits.”


Cranbrook Daily Townsman