Electoral Area C Director Amanda Shatzko presenting a cheque to Mike Waberski, SSPOA President and Maura McCarthy, SSPOA Director of Safe Communities. (RDNO)

New signage bolsters safe passage at Silver Star

RDNO contributes nearly $10K to project led by property owners association

  • Aug. 27, 2021 12:00 a.m.

A $10,000 contribution is bringing the Silver Star Property Owners Association one step closer to installing 10 new wayfinding signs around the resort.

The association (SSPOA) first started looking into the new wayfinding project after homeowners voiced concern about the safety of pedestrians and drivers trying to navigate trail access, especially during the winter months.

Each winter, as the season progresses, the snowbanks on the roadside get higher and wider resulting in narrowing roadways. This can make it hard for pedestrians and motorists to share the road safely.

SSPOA’s new signage would help promote alternative routes for skiers, snowshoers and walkers to navigate around the resort during these times.

“Improving the signage and maintenance of skiway access points within the resort will help to improve the safety of our residents and guests and also help to manage the increased demand for outdoor activities.” said the association’s director of safe communities Maura McCarthy.

The Regional District of North Okanagan Electoral Area C’s $9,870 contribution helps bring the association closer to making its plan a reality.

“Investing in projects that help keep residents and visitors safe and active throughout the winter is important,” Area C director Amanda Shatzko said. “The SSPOA has done a great job researching and creating a vision for this project and I am happy to support them.”

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