Chantal Ouellette from AdvantageHOPE presented a sign plan proposal to the District of Hope council on June 28, 2021. (YouTube)

New signs around Hope come with $300,000 price tag

Plan would include three large boulder style signs, several 'gateway' signs

Several new signs could be coming to Hope, at a cost of about $300,000.

Chantal Ouellette, the new economic development officer for AdvantageHOPE, presented the signage plan proposal to council on June 28.

AdvantageHOPE has been working on the plan since early 2019, with the goal of phases two and three to be completed by the end of next year. But in October 2020, they applied for funding through the Community Economic Recovery Infrastructure and were not selected.

Now, they are hoping funds from the COVID Restart account will be made available to complete the project. When COVID-19 began to affect businesses, AdvantageHOPE facilitated a working group called the Economic Recovery Committee (ERC). It consists of six government representatives, nine service clubs and 17 businesses.

They see community signage as a top priority, Ouellette said.

Some of the signs will be large rocks throughout the town, known as information portals, designed to have people get out and read the information. These would be similar to the one in the Japanese Friendship Garden, and would cost about $25,000 each, for a total estimate of $75,990 for three.

The sites being considered for information portals are Kawkawa Lake Park, Schkam Lake Rest Stop and Coquihalla Canyon Park.

Other signs would be set up for drivers to find their way from place to place, as well as gateway signage.

That includes the large highway signs that say Welcome to Hope. With nine proposed gateway signs, at $25,000 each, the estimated total is $225,000.

The total estimated cost for the plan is just over $300,000. Council did not ask questions after the presentation and no decision was made in the meeting.

READ MORE: Hot enough to cook an egg, and cookies, downtown Hope

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