New Stampede signage and transit agreement approved by city council

New Stampede signage and the transit agreement were among the items approved by city council at its regular meeting on June 7.

  • Jun. 13, 2016 7:00 a.m.

During its regular meeting Tuesday, June 7, city council approved a development variance permit to increase the area for a new Williams Lake Stampede Park sign at the Mackenzie Avenue entrance to the Stampede Grounds after hearing no objections from property owners and tenants within a 100-metre radius.

The sign will be constructed by Pioneer Log Homes of B.C.

Transit agreement approved for 2016/2017

The city’s transit service agreement for 2016/17 has been approved by council. Overall the local government’s share of the costs has increased by four percent for a total of $538,593 in tax supported cost.

Within the total costs of running the service being $1,087,234, revenues account for $101,393.

Numbers for ridership in 2015/2016 have not been released by BC Transit yet, however, those numbers have been declining in the last four years.

In 2012/2013 there were 86,026 riders down to 82,204 in 2014/2015.

The general governance committee is considering changing the buses to the mid-sized ones, but none of that will happen for a couple of years, said Coun. Craig Smith during the regular council meeting Tuesday.

“We are looking at 2018 before we see any implementation unless we can swap with another city,” Smith said, noting the committee also asked the operators of the transit system —  Lakers Go-Bus Society — to look at some of the routes to see if they might be adjusted.

Speeding in Marie Sharpe School zone a non-issue

Speed reader data gathered between March 21 and May 5, 2016 near Marie Sharpe Elementary School showed 95 per cent of drivers were travelling less than 10 kilometers over the school zone limit. As a result, the city will not be installing any further traffic calming measures but have asked the RCMP to monitor the area on occasion.

Land disposition

At its July 5 regular meeting, city council will consider selling part of a lot at 235 Hodgson Road to the adjacent property owner — United Concrete and Gravel Ltd. During the discussion about the sale of the property, Coun. Sue Zacharias removed herself due to a conflict of interest because she is one of the owners of United Concrete.

Canada Day celebrations in Boitanio Park

City council has been invited by recreation director Denise Skarra to help celebrate Canada Day on Friday July 1, 2016 in Boitanio Park from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m.

In her report to council Skarra said the Royal Canadian Legion will start the celebration with the Coloured Brigade and Pipe Band.

An official welcome will follow their entrance to the park and kick off a variety of styles of entertainment at the Gwen Ringwood Theatre.

Families will enjoy games such as a life-sized Jenga game, crafts, face painting, noodle javelin and remote control cars.

In the lower section of the park, along with local food and craft vendors, the regular Friday Farmers Market will take place.

Canada Day themed cupcakes will be served by Save-On Foods and local dignitaries as the activities progress.

The Canada Day Committee is comprised of community members, the Immigrant and Multicultural Society, the Royal Canadian Legion and downtown businesses.

“Together this group has worked hard to put together an exciting day with new performers, games, activities and local vendors,” Skarra noted. “”The estimated number of participants in Canada Day 2015 activities was over thirty-five hundred, and in 2016 we expect close to 4,000.”

Carriage house application approved

An application for adding a carriage house as permitted use to the property at 301 Fourth Ave. North was approved unanimously by council, subject to final approval by the Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure (MOTI).

When property owner Austin Tate Teti asked council why the application needed ministry approval, Mayor Walt Cobb responded that any applications within 800 metres of a highway requires MOTI approval.

Annual street party a go

The 2016 Annual Street Party will be held Saturday, July 2, 2016 following the Stampede Parade. The Williams Lake Central Business Improvement Area will co-ordinate the event with city staff.

“It will be scaled down compared to previous years,” said Mayor Walt Cobb, followed by Coun. Craig Smith who said for next year it will be important to start planning for the street party earlier.

“Let’s get some succession planning going,” Smith said.

Accessibility committee appointments

City council has appointed Mari-Ann Russell, Ana Rawluk and Jan Hermiston to the Accessibility Advisory Committee for the 2016 term.








Williams Lake Tribune