Surrey council is to consider at its April 12 meeting a development variance permit sought for a new elementary school at 165A Street and 20 Avenue. (City of Surrey planning report image)

New Sunnyside-area elementary school anticipated to open in Fall 2025

Surrey council to consider development variance permit on April 12

South Surrey’s newest elementary school – Ta’talu Elementary – is to be built at 20 Avenue and 165A Street.

According to a city planning report, the proposed school has a projected capacity of 655 students and “provides much needed additional school capacity in the growing Grandview Heights neighbourhood.”

Funds for a new school site in the Darts Hill neighbourhood were announced in March 2020.

READ MORE: $25.4 million announced for classroom addition and a new school site in South Surrey

An amendment to the Sunnyside Heights Neighbourhood Concept Plan (to school from multiple residential 10-15 upa) is required to permit the development. A development variance permit is also sought reduce the east and west yard setbacks and reduce the minimum number of off-street parking spaces, to 49 from 58.

The proposed school site consists of seven lots on 2.5 hectares; one on 20 Avenue and six on 165A Street. Of those, three are currently vacant and four contain single-family dwellings which are to be demolished, according to the report. There are 211 mature trees on the site (not including alder and cottonwood), 40 of which are proposed to be retained, and townhouse developments have been proposed for sites to the east and west of the property.

The school is anticipated to open in Fall 2025. A development permit and rezoning are not required.

The development variance permit is to be considered at Surrey council’s April 12 meeting. Only written comments received by noon April 12 will be considered. Comments may be emailed to or faxed to 604-501-7578.

Peace Arch News