Construction crews are building a new suspension bridge at Cascade Falls regional park. A grand opening is being planned for September.

Construction crews are building a new suspension bridge at Cascade Falls regional park. A grand opening is being planned for September.

New suspension bridge expected to open in September

Visitors are asked to stay away from Cascade Falls this summer

Cascade Falls regional park is closed to visitors this summer as construction crews build a suspension bridge and viewing platform in front of the 30-metre waterfall.

The project was originally scheduled to be finished in June, but there were delays mostly related to acquiring material, said Jennifer Kinneman, manager of communications for the Fraser Valley Regional District.

“They’re still putting the structure in place,” said Kinneman. “The walkway to the bridge is almost complete.”

The FVRD has to make sure the structure is safe, added Kinneman, who hopes the bridge will be complete and the park will be re-opened to the public in September.

The park is currently closed at the parking lot and visitors are also being discouraged from walking on to the site.

“There are liability issues,” explained Kinneman. “We’re asking residents to be patient. We’re excited as they are about the addition.”

The suspension bridge is only the third one of its kind in the Lower Mainland. The bridge is

The bridge is funded primarily by an independent power producer, Innergex. The company approached the FVRD board of directors in May 2012 with the offer of $225,000 towards the construction of a suspension bridge in Cascade Falls and the installation of an educational signboard on hydroelectricity. Innergex has nine planned and operating run-of-the-river power plants on creeks feeding into Stave and Harrison lakes.

Since then, FVRD has invested about $90,000 on paving the existing Cascade Falls parking lot and upgrading the toilet facilities and signage. Another $57,500 is being spent on trail and stair upgrades leading up to the new bridge. BC Hydro is also kicking in $5,000 towards the project.

About 60,000 people visit Cascade Falls and its network of hiking trails annually. Cascade Falls is located about 30 minutes outside Mission.

Mission City Record