New track running well over budget

The $7.5 million Greater Vernon Athletic Park next to Okanagan College is $790,000 over budget

Greater Vernon’s new track is moving ahead despite some significant financial hurdles.

The $7.5 million Greater Vernon Athletic Park next to Okanagan College is $790,000 over budget.

“I am a taxpayer too and I’m not happy about it but how do you change things once you’re in it?” said director Bob Fleming, construction committee chairperson.

“You have to carry on and manage it the best you can.”

Costs started to skyrocket for the Greater Vernon Advisory Committee when clay in the northwest corner of the property was discovered. It had to be removed and the hole filled.

“We did 10 (soil) test pits on the site and that was the one spot we didn’t check,” said Keith Pinkoski, parks planner.

Expenses also escalated because the cost of construction materials across the province climbed and there was a lack of sub-trades as workers headed to northern Alberta’s oil sector.

“We were at the mercy of the market,” said Pinkoski.

Reserves will cover the increased costs for the removal of the clay and additional building costs.

Taxes are being used to acquire a turf maintenance machine, rolling covers, soccer goals, players and coaches benches and hurdles.

Revenue sources for other various items are being sought through sponsorships and donations.

“We need to make a concerted effort to go back to the user groups to see what we can get out of them,” said director Mike Macnabb.

Some potential amenities have been deferred to keep costs down, such as showers in the athletes’ change rooms.

“In other communities, they don’t exist like Nanaimo,” said director Jim Garlick, adding that if athletes do need showers, there are facilities in the officials’ rooms.

It’s expected the athletic park will open by the end of June, but installation of the bleachers won’t occur until June 15 because the installation company is busy with the Pan-Am Games in Toronto.

“I told them Greater Vernon is more important than the Pan-Am Games,” said Pinkoski.


Vernon Morning Star