New tub for new care wing at Fischer Place

Fischer Place gains more bathing help for residents and care aids

South Cariboo Health Foundation (SCHF) board members have bought an important and costly piece of health care equipment for 100 Mile House – a bathtub.

SCHF publicity/fundraising co-ordinator Brenda Devine says this Arjo tub, the second of its kind donated by the SCHF in recent years, was placed in a Fischer Place residential care wing at the South Cariboo Health Centre, with the assistance of Interior Health, on May 15.

“It is on the new wing – this ties in with the 14 new beds for Fischer Place that [are opening this spring]. We wanted to do it for that, for the new opening.”

With an assisted bathtub system, residential care aids need only lift an arm before filling the tub, and the resident “just slides in there,” she explains.

“It’s ergonomic, in the sense that it doesn’t require any manual lifting, there are hand controls, and it’s good for both the caregiver and the patient or resident.

“It’s very high-tech, for a bathtub. It’s therapeutic bathing, and it cuts down on the work-related injuries with the staff as well.”

Devine notes the $26,000 for this new Arjo tub’s purchase was entirely funded by just a portion of the money raised by the Health Foundation’s 2016/17 Starry Nights campaign.

The SCHF board would like all its community supporters to know about this important purchase, which would not have been possible without their generous campaign donations, she explains.

“This is huge. We appreciate all the donations, and we’d like all our campaign supporters to know that they can see everything we are raising funds for – we put it in the paper [and on the Free Press and SCHF and websites].

“So, you are not going to have to worry where that money we raised for Starry Nights is going to. If we say we raised it for a bathtub, we are spending it on a bathtub.”

More information on SCHF campaigns and equipment purchases is online at, as they get posted; related 100 Mile Free Press articles are at www.100milefree

100 Mile House Free Press