Unfiltered (top) and filtered Union Bay water

Unfiltered (top) and filtered Union Bay water

New water filter system coming for Union Bay

  • Mar. 11, 2015 1:00 p.m.

Scott Stanfield

Record Staff

The Union Bay Improvement District is being mandated by the Health Ministry to have a water filter system up and running by 2018.

“We are doing everything necessary to make the date of 2018,” said Dan McGill, public works superintendent. “We will have a state-of-the-art DAF system (Dissolved Air Flotation).”

The technology treats a variety of contaminants. Construction is expected in 2017, possibly 2016. McGill expects it will cost $1-$1.5 million.

Lately, water in Union Bay has been somewhat murky, which he attributes to the filling of a pumper truck, not the water system. McGill says an open hydrant disturbs lines in the area.

The town also had murky water during the December storm. However, boil water advisories were not issued.

Water in Union Bay comes from Langley Lake, which McGill says is “not a crystal clear water source but a dammed lake.”



Comox Valley Record