Morgan Heather Walker is the first baby girl born in the Clearwater area in 2020. She arrived Jan. 18 weighing 6 pounds 13 ounces. The proud parents are Jessica and Graham Walker. Morgan has two big brothers - Mason and Liam. Dr. Helmcken Memorial Hospital Auxiliary presented them with a hand made quilt by Carol Pastorek and a lovely hooded sweater knit by Sue Ludtke. We wish them all lots of love and laughter in the years to come. Congratulations. (L-r) Sue Ludtke, Graham Walker, Morgan Walker, Jessica Walker and Carol Pastorek. Photo submitted

Morgan Heather Walker is the first baby girl born in the Clearwater area in 2020. She arrived Jan. 18 weighing 6 pounds 13 ounces. The proud parents are Jessica and Graham Walker. Morgan has two big brothers - Mason and Liam. Dr. Helmcken Memorial Hospital Auxiliary presented them with a hand made quilt by Carol Pastorek and a lovely hooded sweater knit by Sue Ludtke. We wish them all lots of love and laughter in the years to come. Congratulations. (L-r) Sue Ludtke, Graham Walker, Morgan Walker, Jessica Walker and Carol Pastorek. Photo submitted

New Year’s babies receive their quilts

Dr. Helmcken Memorial Hospital Auxiliary give quilts and sweaters to newest Clearwater residents

  • Feb. 8, 2020 12:00 a.m.

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