Newest member of Forest Grove family is New Year’s baby

New Year's baby from 1986 has New Year's baby daughter in 2016

Parents Adam and Kassandra Racine and big brother, Coby, welcomed 100 Mile House's New Year's baby Ayla to the family at 100 Mile District General Hospital on Jan. 13.

Parents Adam and Kassandra Racine and big brother, Coby, welcomed 100 Mile House's New Year's baby Ayla to the family at 100 Mile District General Hospital on Jan. 13.

Ayla Racine is 100 Mile House’s 2016 New Year’s baby.

She was born six pounds, seven ounces and 19 and 3/4 inches on Jan. 13

Parents Adam and Kassandra Racine reside in Forest Grove. Kassandra is a nurse at 100 Mile District General Hospital, where Ayla was born at 8:52 a.m. Adam is a heavy duty mechanic at Gibraltar Mine. The couple has a five-year-old son, Coby, who attends kindergarten at 100 Mile House Elementary School.

Kassandra thanked the great staff in 100 Mile House for the great care the family received.

We are so happy that we were able to have our daughter here in 100 Mile House in our hospital in our own community. It was a surprise as we didn’t find out what we where having. Adam was thinking girl, our son was thinking boy, and I was completely unsure.

We are overjoyed by her addition into the family. The grandparents were stating, not so much guessing, it would be a girl, so they are all over the moon.”

Coby is very excited his baby sister has finally arrived too, and he’s already a big help, Kassandra adds.

He is a very proud big brother to his little sister. After she was born, he had to take a picture and head to his class to introduce the teacher and class to his sister.”

The couple moved from Logan Lake to Forest Grove in 2007.

Interestingly, Adam was also a New Year’s baby. He was the first baby born in the Logan Lake/Kamloops area in 1986.


100 Mile House Free Press