A liquefied natural gas project could be built close to Gingolx in the Nass Valley. (Nisga’a Nation photo)

Nisga’a Nation begins talks for LNG project

Would be located on the north coast

The Nisga’a Nation is in talks to develop a liquefied natural gas (LNG) facility that would rival the size of the LNG Canada project now underway at Kitimat.

In a March 12 message to Nisga’a citizens, Nisga’a Nation president Eva Clayton said it is undertaking what it calls “collaborative endeavours” with a LNG developer and a group of gas producers on the Ksi Lisims LNG project which could produce 12 million tonnes of LNG a year, just two million tonnes less than LNG Canada.

“It will take many more months of dialogue, including with all of you, to formalize the comprehensive agreements necessary for the project to actually proceed,” Clayton added in her message to Nisga’a citizens.

The proposed location is 15 kilometres from the village of Gingolx which is at the mouth of the Nass River. Details supplied by the Nisga’a term the facility to be of a “floating liquefaction design.”

The LNG developer has been named as Western LNG while the gas producers are identified as Rockies LNG Partners.

The Nisga’a Nation nearly 10 years ago began promoting its treaty lands on the coast as potential locations for LNG facilities, emphasizing their closeness to Asian markets.

It also signed a deal with a pipeline company to construct a natural gas pipeline through its lands to the coast whereupon it would travel underwater to a planned LNG facility near Prince Rupert. That facility, however, was eventually shelved.

Terrace Standard