No additional staff hired

City of Vernon staff will be shuffling around to accommodate increased workload.

City of Vernon staff will be shuffling around to accommodate increased workload.

Council has decided that existing employees in the planning department can handle expanded activities instead of hiring a temporary planning assistant.

“We have eight staff involved in planning. For the next year, they need to reallocate people,” said Coun. Catherine Lord, who was opposed to hiring.

“I want to make sure staff pay attention to current development and not long-term development.”

The plan had been for the temporary planning assistant to be paid through excess development revenue from 2015 building permits.

Coun. Brian Quiring had supported staff’s request for the temporary position.

“Development is going gang-busters and we need the help,” he said.

Building gets demolished

A City of Vernon-owned building has a date with a wrecking ball.

The New Delhi building at 2905 29th St. and 2828 30th Ave. will be demolished and interim parking will be created at a cost of $50,000.

In 2012, the city purchased the property for $1.1 million for an eventual east/west traffic corridor. No timeline has been established for construction of the new road.

Fire broke out in the building in December 2014 and the city has accepted an insurance settlement of $126,000.

Gas nozzle labels sought

The City of Vernon is being urged to send a strong message about climate change.

Resident Duncan Gillespie has asked council to embrace the Our Horizon program in which labels warning about the impact of climate change are placed on gas nozzles.

“It creates a new avenue for information to be released,” he said, adding that people don’t think about the climate when they are getting gas for their vehicles.

“It’s stickers fighting the biggest challenge we face as a species.”

Council will discuss Gillespie’s request in August, but Coun. Juliette Cunningham is interested in the labels.

“We have to hear the message over and over again because there are some who still don’t believe in climate change,” she said.

Habitat moves ahead

Habitat for Humanity’s plan for affordable housing is on target.

Vernon council has supported a development variance permit for 2404 35th Ave. so Habitat for Humanity can construct a three-unit multi-family development.

The variances were needed to reduce the parking and setbacks and increase the impermeable surface site coverage.

“This is a huge step for the community. The design is amazing and it’s really exciting,” said Coun. Juliette Cunningham.


Vernon Morning Star