No appeal in Ashton case

Crown counsel has accepted Supreme Court justice’s ruling that found former Vernon teacher not guilty on two counts of perjury

There’s more good news for Deborah Louise Ashton.

Crown counsel has accepted a Supreme Court justice’s ruling that found the former Vernon teacher and administrator not guilty on two counts of perjury in July.

“We are not going to appeal the decision,” said Crown lawyer Don Mann, who tried the perjury case against Ashton.

She was charged with perjury pertaining to statements she made in her first trial in 2011 on five counts of allegedly having a sexual relationship with a former student.

That trial ended in a hung jury.

A Supreme Court justice found Ashton not guilty on all five counts at her second trial in 2012.

She was originally arrested in October 2008.

Ashton was charged with perjury before the second trial.

After being found not guilty of perjury, Ashton told media the three court cases have cost her, financially, more than $100,000, and also cost her what she loved to do most: teach.

She told media she likely can’t go back into a classroom, though she is currently teaching adults to write, and tutoring students.


Vernon Morning Star