No funding change for Parent Advisory Councils

PAC funding OK

School District 27’s District Parent Advisory Council (DPAC) has been notified of recent funding cuts by the British Columbia Confederation of Parent Advisory Councils (BCCPAC).

DPAC co-secretary Angela Cole says this has caused some confusion with local DPAC members, who won’t actually be affected.

“The Ministry of Education has pulled funding from the BCCPAC that they gave last year.”

It was incorrectly reported by some media that PACs will be affected in addition to the DPAC, she says, adding she wants to let PACs know that information was false.

“Some PACs were concerned their gaming grant may not be coming through… It’s not true; they will be getting their grants.”

The Community Grants had previously provided BCCPAC money over and above the usual $100,000 in operating funding.

“They did get $150,000 in [bonus] funding last year, so now they have pulled that.”

The announcement applies to the higher (BCCPAC) level only, which Cole explains has reserves in order to prevent funding changes from affecting its services to members.

“Local PACs should have received the gaming grant or an approval of the grant.

“So far this year, our PACs are in no danger of losing this grant.”


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