No impaired drivers arrested

Perhaps drivers are, after all, getting the message about police being out at this time of year looking for impaired drivers.

Perhaps drivers are, after all, getting the message about police being out at this time of year looking for impaired drivers.

Over the past weekend, members of the Vernon-North Okanagan RCMP’s North Okanagan Traffic Services conducted three, eight-hour road checks throughout Greater Vernon.

Not a single driver was arrested for impaired driving.

Police issued two 90-day Immediate Roadside Prohibitions (IRPs), two three-day IRPs and one Class 7 (Novice) driver was given a 12-hour suspension for having alcohol in their system which is a violation of their licence’s conditions.

Over the past week, there have been no impaired drivers, four 90-day IRPs, one automatic 90-day IRP for refusing to provide a sample and two three-day IRPs.

There were also two 24-hour suspensions issued for drug impairment.

“Perhaps our message is getting out,” said Vernon-North Okanagan RCMP spokesperson Gord Molendyk. “The numbers over the past week are very good.”

And they were better in the rural areas the weekend before.

Sixty vehicles were checked at a road block in Armstrong, and 10 were stopped at a check in Enderby.

In both cases, there were zero infractions.

“People going through the checks and we don’t find any impaired drivers, that’s great,” said Molendyk.

The checks will continue throughout the holiday season. RCMP advise if you plan on celebrating to arrange a safe ride home.


Vernon Morning Star