No impaired drivers New Year’s Eve in Kimberley

Lots of alcohol free New Year’s events help, police say

Kimberley residents and visitors were relatively well-behaved over the holiday season, reports Kimberley RCMP Detachment Commander Sgt. Chris Newel.

“We had a good Christmas, New Year’s Eve period,” he said. “There were a couple of impaireds through the week but nothing significant and nothing at all on New Year’s Eve.”

Newel says there were at least three check stops on New Year’s Eve and he believes that a combination of people being aware of that, plus many non-alcohol events led to them not picking up any impaired drivers.

“In Kimberley there were lots of family events. There’s the torch light ski at the Nordic Club that a lot of families attended, the fireworks and torch light ski at the Resort, the MADD dance at Centennial Hall. People are bringing their kids out to these events more and more.

“I’m sure it’s still going on but people are also more aware of the penalties involved with an impaired charge.”


Kimberley Daily Bulletin