No injuries in Campbell River house fire

Crews responded to blaze on June 17

  • Jun. 18, 2020 12:00 a.m.
Campbell River Fire Department responded to a house fire on the evening of June 17, 2020. Photo courtesy Campbell River Fire Deparment

Campbell River Fire Department responded to a house fire on the evening of June 17, 2020. Photo courtesy Campbell River Fire Deparment

Campbell River fire crews responded to a house fire in southeastern Campbell River on the evening of June 17.

Crews responded to multiple calls at around 6:20 p.m. for a fire in a Rockland-area home with flames coming from the garage. Crews were on scene by around 6:30 p.m.

“The front of the house was completely enveloped in flames with the fire growing rapidly,” said deputy chief Kelly Bellefleur.

Occupants of the house were alerted by the smoke alarms and managed to escape uninjured, along with their pets. The house, which backed onto École Mer et Montagne, was had extensive damage by the fire. Crews were also able to recover some personal items for the family.

Footage of the fire was captured by neighbour Rebecca Ravenstein’s home security system. The footage shows the smoke start coming over the fence between the two houses and fire crews fighting the fire. Ravenstein said in an email to the Mirror: “The video shows how fast from when the smoke alarms went off to when smoke started billowing out into the cul de sac… My cam managed to stay on through the whole thing even as my siding melted and warped and firemen sprayed my roof.”

Bellefleur reported that there was also minor damage to two adjacent homes, including Ravenstein’s, and that an RV in the driveway, visible in the video, was damaged as well.

The power to the neighbourhood was briefly shut down as BC Hydro isolated electricity to the home.

Bellefleur explained that initial reports suggest the fire was started in the garage, but that an investigation into the cause was still underway as of June 18.

This story has been updated.

RELATED: More than 85 people displaced by Campbell River apartment fire

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