BC CDC map showing the geographic distribution of cases in the province.(BC CDC photo)

No new cases of COVID reported in Golden area

Cases continue to hover around the zero mark in the Elk Valley

  • Mar. 25, 2021 12:00 a.m.

The BC CDC is reporting no new cases of COVID-19 in the Golden area for the week of March 14 to 20.

Last week there was only one reported new case. It follows the trendline of minimal cases in the area since the end of January, when Golden saw 26 new cases in one month.

Across the Elk Valley, cases continue to remain low, with only two new cases in Invermere area, three in Fernie, four in Cranbrook and non in Kimberley.

Revelstoke saw two new cases in their region.

Despite the decline in the valley, cases are on the rise in B.C. as evidence of a third wave begins to emerge.

The majority of the growth in cases is located in the Fraser Valley, with Dr. Bonnie Henry stating that this has the potential to continue to push growth across the province due to the high population density in that region.

Hospitalizations and ICU admissions are more focused on the younger dmeographics, as older age groups get vaccinated.

READ MORE: One new reported COVID case in Golden area

“Golden has done well at managing the cases we have had. Our ski hill has been excellent and successfully avoided a cameo on the news, as their safety measures have been very effective,” read the March 22 update from the Physicians of Golden.

“Keep things small and close to home- hang on a bit longer and we will eventually see the victory at the end of this very long game.”

The B.C. government has more than doubled its fine for attending or promoting a gathering in violation of COVID-19 public health orders from $230 to $575, effective immediately, in response increasing case counts.

“It will be a peculiar spring and summer, as things get better but are not good enough” said the Physicians.

“The variants have thrown a curve ball into our progress in overcoming this pandemic.”

The Physicians of Golden remind everyone to maintain social distancing and proper COVID prevention tactics.

Maps of new cases reported each week in each local health area can be found on the BC Centre for Disease Control website under BC COVID-19 data. Also available are graphs from the BCCDC Comparisons App showing how each health authority is doing in terms of positive test rates by month.

Golden Star