No opposition to Spokane Street closure

The city’s bylaw to permanently close a section of the downtown street is ready for adoption.

Closing off the end of Spokane Street, is a definite go this fall.

An opportunity for the public to speak about the city’s intent was held at Trail council Monday night.

No one showed, which means the “Highway Closure Bylaw” is final stages, and the section between Dewdney Avenue and the Esplanade will be permanently closed, as part of downtown re-development.

Feedback to date has been positive, says Trail Mayor Mike Martin.

“We’ve had some verbal comments back, but that’s it,” he said, mentioning concerns were raised about snow removal, access for truck deliveries, and barricading the street section.

“We’ve taken all that into consideration as we get this all firmed up,” he added. “But nothing has been raised at this point that would really be a show stopper … it will be coming up for adoption the next council meeting.”

Trail Daily Times