This map shows the pharmacies in Greater Victoria offering the AstraZeneca vaccine for people born in 1981 and earlier. As the map shows, no pharmacies on the Saanich Peninsula are offering the vaccine. (B.C. Government map)

No pharmacies on Saanich Peninsula offering AstraZeneca vaccine

People born in 1981 and earlier eligible for AstraZeneca vaccines

  • Apr. 21, 2021 12:00 a.m.

Pharmacies on the Saanich Peninsula are not included among pharmacies in the Greater Victoria area administering AstraZeneca vaccines.

As of April 19, people born in 1981 and earlier (individuals older than 40 years) can get the AstraZeneca COVISHIELD COVID-19 vaccine at eligible pharmacies with vaccine supply in the Lower Mainland, Vancouver Island, the Interior and Northern B.C., the provincial government announced.

But the map on the provincial government website displaying pharmacies offering the vaccine shows no offerings on the Saanich Peninsula.

RELATED: B.C. pharmacists, pharmacies given green light to administer COVID-19 vaccines

RELATED: B.C. to open up AstraZeneca vaccines for all people 40+, set up clinics in hot spots

The Peninsula News Review has reached out to the ministry of health for comment and will update this story accordingly.

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