Kimberley’s vaccine clinic is located at Centennial Hall. Bulletin file.

No problem with vaccine supply for Kimberley, Interior Health says

As age cohorts expand, the clinic will get busier

A Kimberley area resident got in touch with the Bulletin this week to say that he had received his vaccine, and was surprised at how few people were at the clinic.

“I was expecting a big lineup, but there was only one other patient,” he said, adding that he was a retired physician. “There were two staff, and they were very professional and very pleasant. When I asked them why there was no lineup, they said it was a supply issue.”

However, when the Bulletin contacted Interior Health, a spokesperson said there was no issue with vaccine supply in Kimberley.

“There is no supply or booking issue at the clinic,” said an IH spokesperson. “The appointments are booked 15 minutes apart, which may explain why there was no line-up. The manager is not sure why that explanation was provided, but it was a miscommunication. As the age cohorts expand, it’s expected the clinics will be much busier.”

Beginning today, seniors born in or before 1946, or age 74 may book appointments for vaccines. To register, please call 1877-740-7747 to make an appointment.

When you call, you’ll be asked for:

First and last name

Date of birth

Postal code

Personal Health Number

Kimberley’s vaccine clinic is located at Centennial Hall.

READ: B.C. pharmacists, pharmacies given green light to administer COVID-19 vaccines

READ: More than 60K doses of vaccine have been administered in Interior Health

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Kimberley Bulletin