No shortage of water despite heat

Summerland still has plenty of water in its reservoirs this year, despite the hot weather since mid-July.

Summerland still has plenty of water in its reservoirs this year, despite the hot weather since mid-July.

Scott Lee, director of water operations for the municipality said Thirsk Lake stopped spilling on July 14. The water level at Garnett Lake was deliberately kept low enough to prevent the reservoir from spilling.

All other lakes in Summerland’s water storage system are continuing to spill.

“It speaks to the groundwater resurgence,” he said.

A few years ago, dry conditions had resulted in lower groundwater levels.

Lee said he does not anticipate increased water restrictions in the near future.

“I don’t see us heading into Stage 2 any time soon,” he said.

Summerland has a series of watering restrictions for domestic users.

Under Stage 1 restrictions, watering lawns and gardens is permitted three times a week.

Increased restrictions will limit the number of times a residential water user can irrigate.

Lee said the ample water level is partly the result of cool, wet weather in spring and partly the result of better water conservation measures in the community.

In addition to a strong water supply, Lee said the quality of water is good.

The last water quality advisory was on June 23, 2011.


Summerland Review