No smoking rules tighten up in Lumby

People will have to be 7.5 metres away from a designated area before smoking

Lumby residents will have to stand 7.5 metres away from parks or other public areas to smoke.

Lumby residents will have to stand 7.5 metres away from parks or other public areas to smoke.

Lumby residents willl have to walk a little farther when lighting up.

On Monday, council gave three readings to a bylaw that forces people to be 7.5 metres away from a designated area before smoking instead of the current three metres.

“We want to reduce smoking in public places,” said Mayor Kevin Acton.

Under the bylaw, smoking is prohibited within 7.5 metres of bus stops, in any park, including playgrounds, playing fields, spray park, pool, skate park or trail. Smoking is also not allowed on the Salmon Trail.

Last year, University of B.C. nursing students surveyed Charles Bloom Secondary School students about smoking and vaping.

Seventy-seven per cent of the CBSS students surveyed wanted a smoke-free Lumby, and only about 13 per cent of the students smoke. CBSS students expressed a need to enforce the no-smoking ban in public spaces.

Acton doesn’t anticipated the tougher guidelines will upset many smokers.

“You don’t see a lot of smoking outside. People are aware of the high risks associated with it and they are aware of people who don’t smoke,” said Acton.

Final adoption of the bylaw could be considered by council Jan. 23.


Vernon Morning Star