Proposed design for the Gyro Park location of the All Wheel Park in Trail.

Proposed design for the Gyro Park location of the All Wheel Park in Trail.

No Trail skate park until 2018

Council committed to the Gyro Park project in 2018, pending the success of a $250,000 CBT grant application.

Coun. Eleanor Gattafoni Robinson has been committed to an All Wheel Park in Trail for so long that way back when, it was still being called a skateboard park.

Through the years the sport has grown into much more than four wheels and a wood deck – when Trail finally does build such a structure, scooters, longboards and BMX bikes will also be allowed into the mix.

“I have been there from the beginning and will be there until the end,” Gattafoni Robinson shared. “I believe in the project, I think we need it not only for Trail but for the whole region,” she added. “And I think it would be a huge impact for those that have worked so hard for so long to get it.”

Comments from the longtime city councillor follow what the Trail mayor terms as a “break through” during the Monday governance committee meeting.

Council came together and committed to building the outdoor venue at Gyro Park in 2018 – provided a $250,000 funding request from Columbia Basin Trust (CBT) is granted in the next cycle of the 2017 recreation infrastructure program.

“A decision, motion, was passed unanimously,” Mayor Mike Martin told the Trail Times. “This is quite a breakthrough quite honestly … council agreed to plan for the construction of the All Wheel Park in 2018, subject to the receipt of the CBT recreation infrastructure grant … so there is a solid commitment on the part of council.”

Martin says the project had to be delayed another year because of the two multi-million projects currently underway in the city. Those being the new terminal building at the Trail Regional Airport (a $1.2 million provincial grant comes with a one-year timeline) and of course, the $8-million Riverfront Centre on Bay Avenue.

“We are looking at it in 2018 because we have so many financial commitments on our plate already for 2017,” he said. “Particularly the library museum and airport terminal. Those are two major jobs that we will see completed next year, and we’ll have some capacity to then look at this All Wheel Park in 2018.”

Gyro Park site for the Trail All Wheel Park

In early January, CBT announced a $9-million funding boost specifically directed to help groups and organizations with construction of new recreation projects or upgrades to existing recreational infrastructure.

Both Rossland and the Beaver Valley Skate Park received $150,000 in the first round of the CBT grant cycle, with the latter facility being significantly upgraded in the late fall.

Trail’s deadline for application to the final phase of the CBT program is Feb. 15.

The city had previously applied for a grant in the amount of $436,000 for a park in the East Trail location. The application was unsuccessful during the intake; however after follow up conversations with CBT, staff and elected officials, the city was encouraged to re-submit an application for the next intake.

“Based on feedback the city received when debriefing the first application, it was suggested at the time that the city’s application was strong and funding constraints were the primary concern,” Chief Administrative Officer David Perehudoff said to council. “It is felt that the development of the city’s park will receive a considerably higher level of regional usage; not only because of its location but due to the amenities both within the park as well as the adjoining infrastructure within Gyro Park that will undoubtedly result in more use.”

Martin described how the Trail park blueprint includes more features than surrounding parks.

“This will be significantly larger … and will be part of Gyro Park with all of the infrastructure built into it,” he added. “It will have the family environment that we are trying to create there.”


Trail Daily Times