No word yet on charges against police officer

Terrace, BC man says he was beaten and subject of racial taunts

A MAN who said police beat him, uttered racial taunts and put a spit hood on his head faces charges but it’s not yet known if a police officer involved in the incident and who is now under suspension will also be charged.

William Watts is accused of assaulting a peace officer following a May 2012 incident after police were called to a Davis Ave. residence because a woman was consuming alcohol contrary to court-ordered conditions.

Police at the time said a 35-year-old woman was arrested and then a 37-year-old man was arrested after he became agitated and aggressive towards others in the residence, including children.

The man said he was going to spit into the police officer’s face so a spit hood was placed on his head to prevent it, said police.

A spit hood is a bag which, when placed over someone’s head, prevents a person from spitting on to another person and can catch and retain blood, vomit and other material.

The police report to crown counsel, in which charges are recommended against Watts, was submitted May 30, 2012 and a charge laid July 9, 2012, said Terrace RCMP community policing and media relations officer Const. Angela Rabut.

He’s due back in court March 26 for a trial confirmation hearing.

A second report about the same incident, this time concerning the use of force by a Terrace RCMP officer against Watts during his arrest, was received by the criminal justice branch of the provincial government.

But there has been no decision about whether the officer will be charged, said Neil MacKenzie who speaks for the criminal justice branch.

Watts also submitted a complaint to the Commission for Public Complaints against the RCMP and an investigation took place, said Rabut.

It was sent to Terrace RCMP Inspector Dana Hart, who reviewed it and ordered a code of conduct investigation, which is still underway, she said.

Hart said the officer involved is not working.

As a result of a public complaint investigation, the officer in charge of Terrace detachment ordered a code of conduct investigation into the member’s actions,” he said.

A report has also been forwarded to a regional crown counsel to determine whether or not charges are to be laid. The member in question is currently suspended with pay,” Hart added.











Terrace Standard