Nominate someone for excellence in health care

Awards will be given to projects and collaborative solutions in health care

A few weeks ago, the Sooke News Mirror put out a call for Hometown Heroes (SNM, “Is Sooke home to ‘Hometown Heroes’?”, January 8).

Now, there’s a call out looking for examples of Excellence in BC Health Care. Awards will be given for projects (innovations and collaborative solutions) and to individuals.

Besides having excellent medical personnel in the region, Sooke is also home to many collaborative initiatives.

“I think the way the community works collaboratively on a range of health issues is what is so incredible about Sooke,” says Linda Nehra, Consultant, South Island Division of Family Practice.

Her list went on to include Sooke’s Food CHI, the Navigator Project, Integrated Health Network (VIHA)/West Coast Family Medicine Clinic), the recent addressing of the GP shortage, and the many community resources Sooke has.

“When a community is able to collectively determine what their members need, and then is capable of engaging the right groups to develop creative responses to gaps and unresolved issues, you have a framework for ongoing solution-building,” Nehra concludes.

Nominations for the eighth annual Excellence in BC Health Care Awards are open until February 28, 2014. Colleagues and members of the public – including patients and their families – are encouraged to nominate deserving health care employees and teams in their communities.

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Sooke News Mirror