Non-wildlife proof trash cans removed across district

Briefs from the District of Invermere council meeting on September 11.

A motion was brought before council by Councillor Paul Denchuk regarding the use of Invermere trash cans by wildlife as a food source. The motion proposed that all District of Invermere trash cans be wildlife proof or removed, including the bins within the transfer station in the Invermere industrial park. In particular, the trash cans located at Kinsmen Beach were noted as particularly troublesome, as they are often seen overflowing with garbage, which is then spread around the area by wildlife such as crows and deer. Council decided to remove the Kinsmen Beach garbage cans that are not wildlife proof, yet there will still be a bin that is wildlife resistant available for use at the beach.

The decision on what to do with all other Invermere garbage cans was moved forward to be discussed during budget meetings.

Bylaw Officer

Next on the list was a discussion regarding the ongoing process of hiring a bylaw enforcement officer for the district. Since the previous bylaw officer left, the district has been advertising for someone to fill the position; related duties in the meantime have been performed by district staff. There was extensive discussion among councillors regarding how bylaws have been enforced in the past, and it was noted that there has been a focus on education and prevention as opposed to punishing offenders. District chief administrative officer Chris Prosser told council that the idea of ticketing more frequently would only cost the district more money in the long run in legal fees, and Mayor Gerry Taft said that the goal should be about compliance, as ticketing more frequently wouldn’t benefit any of the parties involved. Again, a final decision was deferred to a later date, pending further discussion among councillors regarding bylaw enforcement philosophy during budget meetings.

Jumbo letter

The District of Invermere received a letter regarding the proposed Jumbo Glacier Resort from the outgoing Minister of Community, Sport and Cultural Development Ida Chong. The district had originally sent the minister a letter regarding the proposed incorporation of a mountain resort municipality in relation to the Jumbo Glacier Resort,  and in her response, Chong wrote that “municipal incorporation of an area prior to the arrival of residents is not new in British Columbia” and that “government supports a similar approach to benefit mountain resort development.”

“Government remains of the view that incorporating an area prior to the arrival of residents can, in limited circumstances, support the early development of mountain resorts by providing the strong foundations necessary for well planned resort communities,” Chong wrote.

Council decided to send a letter to new Minister of Community, Sport and Cultural Development Bill Bennett congratulating him on his appointment and asking that when First Nations are consulted on the decision to incorporate a mountain resort municipality in the Jumbo Valley that the District of Invermere be consulted as well.



Invermere Valley Echo