Norovirus outbreak at Surrey Memorial Hospital

12 patients quarantined to help prevent further spread

Norovirus outbreak at Surrey Memorial Hospital

A Norwalk-type flu outbreak at Surrey Memorial Hospital has prompted officials to quarantine 12 affected patients in one unit.

Fraser Health spokesman Roy Thorpe-Dorward said enhanced protection measures are in place to guard against further spread of the norovirus, a stomach flu that causes gastrointestinal symptoms.

Patients in three units came down with the virus but they’ve been consolidated in a single unit.

Thorpe-Dorward said staff have increased cleaning with bleach and they’re ensuring items aren’t transferred between rooms.

Both staff and the public are being reminded about the need to wash hands.

He said the virus is quite common, adding Fraser Health has seen outbreaks at other hospitals and long-term care homes in recent months.

SMH is discouraging visitors from seeing the affected patients to reduce the risk of further spread.

And it’s urging people with stomach flu not to visit the hospital or go to work.

Thorpe-Dorward said it’s business as usual for everyone else at SMH or visiting there.

“They’re at no more risk than being in any office building or shopping mall in the winter months,” he said.

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