North Cowichan adopts new parks and trails master plan

The Municipality of North Cowichan has formally adopted a parks and trails master plan

Jon Lefebure

Jon Lefebure

The Municipality of North Cowichan has formally adopted a parks and trails master plan that will guide the resourcing, development, management and expansion of its parks and trails over the next 15 years.

North Cowichan is one of the few municipalities in North America to own and manage a large municipal forest reserve. The new master plan will help to manage and balance its multiple uses: sustainable forest harvesting, outdoor recreation, First Nations’ traditional uses, and conservation.

The plan was developed over the last 16 months and involved consultation and collaboration with residents, community groups, First Nations, local governments and stakeholders from various interest groups.

“North Cowichan’s mountains, rivers, lakes and parks are incredible assets,” said mayor Jon Lefebure.

“I think we all enjoy these resources that make North Cowichan such a wonderful place to live, work and play. Having a plan to guide the management of our parks and trails is necessary as we continue to gain recognition as a sought-after destination for outdoor recreation.”

Lefebure said the municipality thanks those who contributed to the creation of the parks and trails master plan, in particular, the residents, community organizations, First Nations, local governments, and stakeholder groups that participated in providing their input through the various engagement opportunities.

Cowichan Valley Citizen