(James Smith photo)

(James Smith photo)

North Delta crime beat, week of Aug. 2

A selection of property crimes submitted weekly by the Delta Police Department

  • Aug. 12, 2020 12:00 a.m.

The purpose of the crime beat is to educate and inform the public about some of the property crime trends occurring in North Delta and other files of interest. It is submitted weekly by the Delta Police Department. If you see anything occurring that you believe to be suspicious, call 911 for in progress crimes and emergencies or 604-946-4411 for other assistance.

The following are some of the calls police responded to in the previous week:

• Aug. 3, 4:22 p.m., 8500-block 120th St.: Police observed a vehicle with tinted licence plate covers and discovered that the registered owner was prohibited from driving. A vehicle stop was conducted and the driver was issued an appearance notice. The vehicle was towed from the scene.

• Aug. 3, 6:31 p.m., 8600-block 112A St.: Police were called to a report of a theft from a vehicle outside of a residence. The vehicle also had minor damage to the passenger door handle. The registered owner may have left the vehicle unlocked. Personal documents as well as change valued at $60 was taken. The registered owner was advised on proactive measures to secure personal information.

• Aug. 5, 11:35 a.m., 11900-block 93A Ave.: The owner of a commercial business reported the theft of catalytic converters from two vehicles parked in a lot outside of the building. The theft was reported to have occurred sometime in the past two weeks. Total value of damage was $2,000. No other damage to the vehicles. The registered owners of the vehicles were notified.

• Aug. 6, 9:13 a.m., 6900-block 120th St.: Police conducted a traffic stop and noticed a distinct odour of liquor emanating from the driver’s mouth. A breathalyzer was administered, which the driver failed. The test was repeated again, with a result of fail. The driver received an immediate roadside prohibition of 90 days, his licence was seized and the vehicle was towed.

• Aug. 7, 7:00 p.m. to midnight, Delta: Community Crime Watch volunteers were out on patrol and no issues were reported.

• Aug. 7, 11:24 p.m., 7100-block 120th St.: Police were called to a report of a large crowd of people in a parking lot believed to be celebrating the Canucks win. Police noticed a vehicle being driven erratically with passengers hanging out of the window. The driver was issued a violation ticket for failing to wear a seat belt and all parties dispersed without incident.

• Aug. 8, 1:33 p.m., 6400-block 120th St.: Police received a report of a theft from auto at a commercial building. The owner of the vehicle had gone into the business and did not successfully lock the car. Vehicle contained personal property in the amount of $24 as well as three-quarters tank of gasoline.

• Aug. 8, 11:14 p.m., 8200-block Swenson Way: Police responded to a theft in progress of fuel at a commercial business. The owner of the commercial vehicle had observed the theft occurring on his CCTV from home and had contacted Delta police. Upon arrival, police found the subject of complaint and the theft in progress and an arrest was made.

• Aug. 8, 8:31 p.m., 11300-block Nordel Way: Police conducted a traffic stop on a vehicle that was stopped at a 45 degree angle in the #2 lane. The driver displayed indicia of impairment and a breathalyzer was attempted, however the driver was too intoxicated to comply. Police transferred the driver to a local hospital for medical attention and monitoring.

• Aug. 8, 6:40 p.m, 11000-block Kittson Pky.: Police were conducting laser speed enforcement when a vehicle passed at an excessive speed. The driver’s speed was confirmed by laser and the vehicle was stopped. The driver also failed to produce a valid driver’s licence. The vehicle was impounded and the applicable violation tickets were issued.

RELATED: South Delta crime beat, week of Aug. 2

SEE ALSO: North Delta crime beat, week of July 28

SEE ALSO: South Delta crime beat, week of July 28

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