(James Smith photo)

North Delta crime beat, week of July 12

A selection of property crimes submitted weekly by the Delta Police Department

  • Jul. 23, 2021 12:00 a.m.

The purpose of the crime beat is to educate and inform the public about some of the property crime trends occurring in North Delta and other files of interest. It is submitted weekly by the Delta Police Department. If you see anything occurring that you believe to be suspicious, call 911 for in progress crimes and emergencies or 604-946-4411 for other assistance.

The following are some of the calls police responded to in the previous week:

• July 12, 2:25 p.m., 900-block Highway 91: Police were conducting mobile speed enforcement when they observed a vehicle pass at a very high rate of speed, change lanes across three lanes, then accelerate. Radar verified the speed of the vehicle to be travelling at 133 km/h in a posted 70 km/h zone. Police stopped the vehicle, issued the driver a violation ticket for excessive speeding and the vehicle was impounded.

• July 13, 7:58 p.m., 11900-block 88th Ave.: Store employee reported a male inside the store putting unpaid merchandise into a backpack. The store employee updated police that the male had left the store with the unpaid merchandise. Police attended and located the male in the parking lot. The store did not want to press charges, only the return of the $40 worth of unpaid clothing that the male took. The male was released and driven to the SkyTrain.

• July 13, 8:26 p.m., 11200-block 88A Ave.: Complainant reported a loud party near his residence. Police located loud music coming from a residence and spoke to the homeowner, who advised that they were having a wedding ceremony for their daughter. The homeowner stated this particular act would be finished at 9:30 p.m., and that they would turn the volume down in the meantime. The homeowner advised that they had sent notices to most of the neighbours, and that the noise would stop by 10 p.m. The complainant was updated on the situation and was understanding.

• July 13, 9:33 p.m., 8200-block Nechako Dr.: Complainant reported that her four-foot black/brown ball python had escaped from her residence. The python had just finished eating and was believed to have left the residence via the back door that was mistakenly left open. The python is not dangerous to humans and loves to hide under things. An extensive search of the neighbourhood and forested yards were conducted by police with negative results. The next day, the complainant advised police that the python had been safely located on the property.

• July 14, 5:02 p.m., 11800-block Highway 10: Complainant reported a vehicle swerving in and out of traffic while traveling over the Alex Fraser Bridge. Police were able to conduct a traffic stop and the driver was read an approved screening device demand. The driver provided two breath samples, both resulting in a “fail.” The driver was given an immediate roadside prohibition and had his vehicle impounded.

• July 15, 11:58 p.m., 11800-block 82nd Ave.: Police responded to a report of a BB gun being shot nearby. The complainant, who wished to remain anonymous, stated that a pellet from the BB gun had struck their residence. Police attended the location and spoke with the mother at the residence, who advised that her son had been shooting targets in the backyard. The son stated that he was unaware that any pellets had travelled into his neighbouring residences. The son was receptive to conversations with police and was extremely apologetic. Police provided the son with a verbal warning. Police contacted the complainant to advise them of the situation.

• July 17, 12:23 a.m., 10800-block 72nd Ave.: Police were conducting routine patrols when they observed a vehicle parked on the side of the highway. Police checked on the vehicle and found the driver asleep in the driver seat. Police observed an empty bottle of liquor in the back seat and noted an odour of liquor emanating from the car. The driver was the sole occupant and had the car keys in hand while speaking to police. An approved screening device demand was read and the driver provided two breath samples, both resulting in a “fail.” The driver’s licence was seized and the vehicle was towed.

• July 17, 5:15 a.m., 11900-block 83A Ave.: Complainant called police to report that she was hearing a female yelling profanity nearby. Police canvassed the area and located a female in a nearby parking lot. The female advised police that she was frustrated and had begun yelling profanities after she stubbed her toe and broke her bag with her clothes in it. The female stated her ride would be picking her up in 15 minutes and she did not require police assistance.

RELATED: South Delta crime beat, week of July 12

SEE ALSO: North Delta crime beat, week of July 5

SEE ALSO: South Delta crime beat, week of July 5

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