(James Smith photo)

(James Smith photo)

North Delta crime beat, week of June 27

A selection of property crimes submitted weekly by the Delta Police Department

  • Jul. 9, 2020 12:00 a.m.

The purpose of the crime beat is to educate and inform the public about some of the property crime trends occurring in North Delta and other files of interest. It is submitted weekly by the Delta Police Department. If you see anything occurring that you believe to be suspicious, call 911 for in progress crimes and emergencies or 604-946-4411 for other assistance.

The following are some of the calls police responded to in the previous week:

• June 29, 4:20 a.m., 82nd Avenue and 112A Street: Complainant reported that a taxi driver had an intoxicated passenger who was refusing to pay their fare and was acting verbally aggressive toward the driver. Police attended and spoke with the taxi driver, who indicated that the passenger had paid prior to police arrival. The driver was satisfied and left the scene. Police located the intoxicated passenger and advised him to go home. The passenger agreed.

• June 29, 11:29 a.m., 114th Street: Police received a call from an anonymous individual stating that a North Delta resident was not obeying quarantine orders and was recently seen shopping. Police contacted the resident and advised them on the importance of quarantining and the consequences if orders are not followed.

• June 30, 5:55 a.m., 11500-block Parkwood Pl.: Complainant reported a fraud to police, wherein he was receiving a free dog from out of province and had paid $900 for shipping. He was contacted a second time asking for a further $2,400 for shipping. Police determined that the complainant had located an ad for a dog on the internet, and that the seller was giving away the dog for free and only wanted shipping costs covered. The complainant contacted the shipping company to cancel the shipment of the dog and is looking at getting the $900 refunded through his bank.

• June 30, 11:03 a.m., 9000-block 112A St.: Complainant reported receiving a call from an unidentified male claiming to be from Service Canada. The man advised that there had been a vehicle seized by police in another province for a drug investigation and it was linked back to the complainant. The man requested the complainant’s SIN card and home address, and then advised that she would be charged criminally unless she deposited all of her money into two bank accounts. Complainant did not deposit the money and no money was lost from her account. Police advise that calls, texts or emails from people claiming to be from government agencies with demands for money and threats of criminal charges should be considered probable scams.

• July 1, 5:46 p.m., 9000-block River Rd.: Complainant called police to report a theft from his vehicle. Complainant advised that a coworker had noticed the trunk to his vehicle was open, and that the vehicle had been rummaged through. Sunglasses, an iPod, tool set, insurance papers and loose change was taken. Vehicle had been left unlocked.

• July 1, 7:53 p.m., 9000-block 120th St.: Complainant advised police that people were setting off fireworks outside of their suite. Police attended and spoke to the individuals who were lighting off the fireworks. No damage. The individuals agreed to stop. No further issues.

• July 1, 9:23 p.m, 12000-block 68th Ave.: While conducting enforcement targeting impaired drivers, a Delta police officer observed a driver returning to his vehicle, swaying his arms as if he were trying to grab onto something. His vehicle proceeded to exit the parking lot by signaling left while turning right. The officer conducted a traffic stop and noticed a distinct odour of liquor on the driver’s breath upon approach. The driver refused to provide a breath sample and was served a 90-day immediate roadside prohibition. A reminder that a refusal to provide a breath sample has the same result as a fail.

• July 4, 7:40 p.m., Brook Road and River Road: Complainant reported three males acting disorderly by swearing and throwing bottles. Police located the three males, who were intoxicated but able to care for themselves. The males advised that they were just goofing around with one another and did not intend to cause any issues. The males were in possession of open alcohol, which they disposed of on scene. The males were sent on their way — no property damage, no injuries, no violence.

• July 5, 10800-block Nordel Way: CounterAttack is a road check enforcement campaign focusing on deterring and apprehending impaired drivers for the purpose of enhancing road safety. CounterAttack runs throughout the summer months. Police set up a CounterAttack in the above area. In total, four drivers were issued 90-driving prohibitions, two were given three-day prohibitions, one was found to be impaired by drugs, and one seven-day driving prohibition was issued.

RELATED: South Delta crim beat, week of June 27

SEE ALSO: North Delta crime beat, week of June 21

SEE ALSO: South Delta crime beat, week of June 21

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