(James Smith photo)

North Delta crime beat, week of June 7

A selection of property crimes submitted weekly by the Delta Police Department

  • Jun. 21, 2021 12:00 a.m.

The purpose of the crime beat is to educate and inform the public about some of the property crime trends occurring in North Delta and other files of interest. It is submitted weekly by the Delta Police Department. If you see anything occurring that you believe to be suspicious, call 911 for in progress crimes and emergencies or 604-946-4411 for other assistance.

The following are some of the calls police responded to in the previous week:

• June 7, 6:49 p.m., 10000-block Brandy Dr.: Complainant reported hearing possible shots fired into the rear of her residence. The complainant advised that she heard seven loud bangs and believed her house had been hit by stray rounds. Police attended and contained the immediate residence and surrounding area. Police observed a small BB-sized hole in a window at the rear of the house. Police later determined that her neighbour had been shooting targets with a BB gun and a paintball gun. The neighbour was unaware that he had missed his target and struck the window of the neighbouring residence. Police seized both the BB gun and the paintball gun for destruction. The neighbour will be fixing the complainants window.

• June 7, 8:42 p.m., 9000-block 112th St.: Complainant contacted police regarding an issue with three youths who were hitting several objects with a stick, including an animal crate. Upon arrival, police observed one of the three youths using a long pole to repeatedly hit the back of a sign on the corner of the baseball diamond. The youths advised that they were trying to remove a wasp nest at the top of the sign. Police also observed a smashed animal crate. The youths were strongly cautioned regarding the foolishness of their actions with respect to the wasp nest and were directed out of the area.

• June 8, 10:08 a.m., 8000-block 120th St.: A loss prevention officer from a nearby store reported that he had two youths in custody for theft worth $89. Police attended and spoke to the loss prevention officer, who advised he had observed the one youth select birthday streamers/supplies, greeting cards and tape and conceal them into the backpack that her sister was wearing. The youths were extremely regretful and advised that it was their mother’s birthday in two days, but they didn’t have enough money to buy her anything. All merchandise was recovered and no charges were given. The two youths were taken home to their mother.

• June 8, 9:04 p.m., 7500-block Garfield Dr.: Complainant called police to report a group of males smoking marijuana who he was concerned would drive away impaired. Police attended and spoke to the group, who admitted to smoking marijuana and stated that they were planning on waiting to drive home. Police educated the group on the consequences of driving impaired, therefore, the group decided to take a taxi home. Police spoke with the complainant in person and advised him of the outcome.

• June 11, 12:10 a.m., 9600-block 120th St.: Police were conducting proactive traffic patrols when they observed a vehicle struggling to maintain its position in the lane. Police then observed the vehicle roll over the stop line at a red light. Police conducted a traffic stop to check for driver sobriety. Police spoke to the driver, who admitted to alcohol consumption, and police observed an open case of beer in the back seat of the vehicle. Police read the driver an approved screening device demand, and he provided two breath samples resulting in a “fail.” The driver was given a 90-day immediate roadside prohibition and 30-day vehicle impoundment.

• June 11, 11:44 a.m., 8000-block Shepherd Way: Complainant reported that her bike was stolen in Vancouver and is now being sold online. Complainant advised that she did not have the serial number, however, the bike had special aftermarket upgrades and features which made the bike distinctive. Police attended the seller’s residence, where he was very co-operative with police and relinquished the bike to be returned to its owner. The seller advised that he had purchased the bike recently for $110 and was attempting to re-sell it for a higher value. The bike was seized and returned to a very grateful owner.

• June 11, 10:15 p.m., 10300-block River Rd.: Police attended the rail line due to railway police receiving multiple reports of youth partying in the area near the tracks and debris being left on the railway over the past few weeks. Police located a group of approximately 20 youths having a bonfire on rail property. All parties were warned about trespassing on rail property and the dangers of cargo trains in the area. The fire was extinguished and the group was escorted across the active tracks to the roadway where they dispersed and left the area on foot.

• June 12, 4:55 p.m., 10000-block 86th Ave.: Complainant reported that he and his kids had discovered barb wire while walking by a nearby ravine. Complainant advised that they appeared to be placed like “trip wires” and that he removed all of them. Police walked the ravine and did not observe anything dangerous. Police spoke with residents in the area who advised they had not seen anyone suspicious or with barb wire enter the ravine recently. The complainant and residents in the area were advised to contact police should they see anyone suspicious.

• June 13, 1:38 a.m., 9400-block 116th St.: Police observed a vehicle travelling at a high rate of speed. Police conducted a traffic stop and formed suspicion of intoxication based on the driver slurring, the driver’s admission and visible beer cans on the passenger seat. An approved screening device demand was read, and the first breath sample resulted in a “fail.” The driver requested a second test but then refused to provide an adequate breath sample. The driver was served a 90-day immediate roadside prohibition as well as a 30-day vehicle impoundment.

RELATED: South Delta crime beat, week of June 7

SEE ALSO: North Delta crime beat, week of May 31

SEE ALSO: South Delta crime beat, week of May 31

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