(James Smith photo)

North Delta crime beat, week of May 10

A selection of property crimes submitted weekly by the Delta Police Department

  • May. 21, 2021 12:00 a.m.

The purpose of the crime beat is to educate and inform the public about some of the property crime trends occurring in North Delta and other files of interest. It is submitted weekly by the Delta Police Department. If you see anything occurring that you believe to be suspicious, call 911 for in progress crimes and emergencies or 604-946-4411 for other assistance.

The following are some of the calls police responded to in the previous week:

• May 12, 8:50 a.m., Highway 17 and Highway 91 Connector: Complainant reported a vehicle driving all over the road. Police conducted patrols in the area and were unable to locate the vehicle. Police were able to identify the driver, and reached out to caution him about his driving behaviour and the potential consequences of continuing to drive in such a manner. The driver apologized and stated he would be more cautious in the future. The complainant was updated on the conversation and was thankful for the actions taken.

• May 13, 8:36 a.m., 700-block Cliveden Pl.: Complainant called police advising of a truck parked on the side of the road that was “hindering movement and view for other drivers.” Police attended and located the vehicle in a no parking zone. Police spoke with the driver, who stated that he would leave.

• May 13, 10:22 a.m., 7300-block 120th St.: Police received a fraud report from another police service sent in the mail as the offence occurred in Delta. In reading the report, police learned that the fraud occurred when the complainant tried to purchase a kitten online and ended up paying over $1,700 to multiple different e-transfer handles. Police spoke with the complainant, who advised that all the money has been reimbursed as a result of the bank investigation. Police confirmed that the complainant was aware of fraud prevention strategies.

• May 13, 10:45 a.m., River Road and Knudson Road: Police were conducting mobile speed enforcement in an area with a posted speed of 50 km/h. Police activated radar and verified a vehicle’s speed at 101 km/h. Police initiated a traffic stop and the driver was advised of the reason. The driver advised they had been heading to school. The driver was issued an excessive speeding ticket and his vehicle impounded.

• May 13, 5:18 p.m., 118A Street and 79A Ave.: Complainant reported a vehicle that had been parked on his street for approximately three weeks. Police spoke with the owner of the vehicle and determined that he was in the process of having the vehicle relocated. Police informed the owner about the city bylaw in place for a parked vehicle. Police updated the complainant and informed him to call bylaws if the vehicle remains at the same location. Police determined that the vehicle was legally parked and was not impeding traffic.

• May 14, 6:26 a.m., 8900 Russel Dr.: Complainant called police advising that he was in the process of moving and had found some ammunition that he didn’t realize he had. Police attended the residence to collect the ammunition and seized all rounds. Police logged the ammunition to be destroyed.

• May 15, 9:29 p.m., 900-block Alex Fraser Bridge: Complainant reported a vehicle with a flat tire on the Alex Fraser Bridge in the south bound lanes and thought it was dangerous. Police located the vehicle and pulled over with their hazards on. Police provided a visual “block” for incoming drivers to reduce the hazard until the tow truck arrived.

• May 15, 6:59 a.m., 11800-block 74th Ave.: Complainant reported a suspicious vehicle in the area with a person inside, apparently asleep. Police attended and located the vehicle, which was parked legally. The driver advised he was in the area for work that day, and had opted to sleep in his vehicle. No signs of impairment.

• May 16, 1:33 a.m., 8000-block 120th St.: Complainant called police to report a 30-minute ongoing fight between a taxi’s driver and its occupants. Police attended and learned that the dispute was over an unpaid taxi fare. The two customers were found shortly after and advised that they were short $5 and that no physical fight took place. The taxi driver was called to the scene, where he stated he only wanted to be reimbursed for money owed and did not want to press charges. Customers paid outstanding $5 without issue. All parties were released and sent on their way.

RELATED: South Delta crime beat, week of May 10

SEE ALSO: North Delta crime beat, week of May 3

SEE ALSO: South Delta crime beat, week of May 3

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