(James Smith photo)

North Delta crime beat, week of May 3

A selection of property crimes submitted weekly by the Delta Police Department

  • May. 15, 2021 12:00 a.m.

The purpose of the crime beat is to educate and inform the public about some of the property crime trends occurring in North Delta and other files of interest. It is submitted weekly by the Delta Police Department. If you see anything occurring that you believe to be suspicious, call 911 for in progress crimes and emergencies or 604-946-4411 for other assistance.

The following are some of the calls police responded to in the previous week:

• May 3, 9:54 p.m., 8000-block Delwood Dr.: Complainant reported a group of males smoking cannabis at a nearby location. Police attended and located a vehicle parked by a nearby school. All occupants had admitted to smoking cannabis, therefore police waited for a sober driver to take possession of the vehicle and drive home. Police had a discussion with the males regarding cannabis use and driving. The males were apologetic and co-operative with police.

• May 4, 6:30 a.m., 11400-block 84th Ave.: Police were conducting stationary radar enforcement at a nearby playground. Police locked radar speed of a vehicle going 80 km/h in a 30 km/h school zone. A traffic stop was immediately initiated and the driver was issued an excessive speeding ticket and had their vehicle towed.

• May 4, 11:22 a.m., 6000-block Alderwood Lane: Complainant reported two suspicious males who asked her if she needed maintenance work done on her property. Police attended and spoke to both males, who stated that they work for a property maintenance company and that they were in the neighbourhood trying to get business. This is a common activity during the spring season and there was no evidence that anything criminal had occurred. Both males stated that they would leave the area and the complainant was advised of the circumstance.

• May 5, 2:36 p.m., 1200-block Sunwood Dr.: Complainant reported a hazardous situation at an ongoing construction site where vehicles were speeding past and not slowing down, resulting in the workers not feeling safe. Police attended and sat in the immediate area for police presence to help slow down the speed of vehicles.

• May 5, 2:50 p.m., 6400-block 120th St.: Complainant reported that a driver may be impaired due to the bad driving being displayed, and when the complainant confronted the driver, he stated he was drunk. Police conducted a traffic stop and the driver did not show any symptoms of being impaired, stating the drinking and driving comment was meant as sarcasm. Due to the comment, an approved screening device demand was read. The driver provided a breath sample resulting in a “pass” and the driver was allowed to go to his dentist appointment.

• May 7, 12:30 a.m., 11900-block 96th Ave.: Police observed a vehicle accelerate rapidly down the street. Police caught up to the vehicle, where they observed it travelling in and out of its lane. Police initiated a traffic stop and made contact with the driver. The driver was mumbling his words and was unable to find his driver’s licence. The driver showed indications of liquor consumption and was given an approved screening device demand. The driver provided two samples, both resulting in a “warn.” Police served the driver a three-day immediate roadside prohibition and a three-day vehicle impoundment.

• May 7, 6:21 p.m., location withheld: Complainant reported that he had found a two-year-old boy wandering alone in the area. Police attended and spoke with the little boy, who was too young to state his name or provide any phone numbers. The little boy was delighted looking at the police lights when a very panicked mother showed up. The mother showed police photos of the child on her phone and exclaimed that he ran out of the front door 15 minutes prior.

• May 8, 9:55 p.m., 8000-block 115th St.: Complainant called police to report that the front door of a nearby residence was left wide open. Police attended and conducted call outs into the residence. The homeowner presented himself and advised he had left the front door open to let in fresh air.

• May 8, 10:47 p.m., 8400-block 120th St.: Police were conducting proactive patrols when their attention was drawn to a male staggering out of liquor establishment to his vehicle. The male was seen entering the driver’s seat of the vehicle and starting the ignition, then reversing out of the parking stall. Police then placed their vehicle behind the male’s vehicle and activated the emergency lights in an attempt to conduct a traffic stop to confirm the driver’s sobriety. Instead, the driver pulled forward, parked and re-entered the liquor establishment. Police followed, stopped the male and continued with the traffic stop. Police observed the driver to be unsteady on his feet and to have glazed eyes. An approved screening device demand was read where the driver provided two samples, both resulting in a “fail.” The driver was issued a 90-day immediate roadside prohibition and had his vehicle towed.

RELATED: South Delta crime beat, week of May 3

SEE ALSO: North Delta crime beat, week of April 20

SEE ALSO: South Delta crime beat, week of April 20

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