A photo by NIC pro photo alumna Karley Bracey of Bracey Photography.

A photo by NIC pro photo alumna Karley Bracey of Bracey Photography.

North Island College holds workshop about pro photo program

Session takes place at Campbell River campus on March 11

  • Mar. 1, 2019 12:00 a.m.

Learn about launching a professional photography career during an NIC portfolio workshop and information session in Campbell River on March 11.

The event will take place from 6 to 7 p.m. at NIC’s Campbell River campus in Room C226.

“We’re very excited to offer professional photography training again at NIC,” said Sara Vipond, NIC fine art and design department chair. “We have a new curriculum that focuses on giving our grads the tools to thrive in an ever-shifting industry, no matter what channel of photography they want to pursue. If you’re interested in a career in photography, we want to meet you at one of these sessions.”

NIC faculty will be on hand to answer questions about the intensive, 10-month program, which equips graduates with core professional photography skills and experience.

The sessions will cover how to put together a portfolio when applying for the program. Those who already have photography experience can also bring in their existing portfolio for review and feedback.

NIC staff will be available to answer questions about the application process and visitors will be able to view past students’ work.

NIC relaunched its professional photography program this fall, with emphasis on providing students the technical expertise in post-production, editing and output, motion capture, digital asset management and other core skills.

Graduates will be equipped to work in a wide variety of fields, including photojournalism, advertising, wedding photography or whatever they are passionate to capture through the lens.

Karley Bracey graduated from the program into a successful business, Bracey Photography.

“I love what I do and I feel so grateful every day that photography is my career,” she said. “I don’t think I would be doing any of this if it weren’t for the foundation I acquired while attending NIC.”

Fellow NIC alumna Lisa Graham owns Seadance Photography and specializes in underwater and portrait photography.

“In a professional training environment, you are safe to receive much needed critiques so that you can grow in the visual art of photography,” said Graham. “It is a deep subject that many people never fully explore, yet is so rewarding to those who dare to delve into it.”

No pre-registration is required. Those interested in attending can find out more by visiting www.nic.bc.ca.

Campbell River Mirror