The North Island College campus in Port Alberni is located on Roger Street. (SUBMITTED PHOTO)

North Island College students’ union to host all-candidates meeting

Courtenay-Alberni candidates have been invited to virtual meeting

  • Sep. 11, 2021 12:00 a.m.

The student union representing North Island College students will be holding an all-candidates meeting for Courtenay-Alberni candidates in the 2021 federal election.

The North Island Students’ Union (NISU) has invited all parties in the riding to an all-candidates meeting on Thursday, Sept. 16 at 7 p.m. with a focus on youth and student issues. Due to COVID-19 restrictions, the event will take place virtually.

“It’s a tough time for students and people in B.C.,”, said Rebecca Lennox, organizer with NISU. “We have many students who can’t find anywhere to live due to high costs and low rental availability. We have a large percentage of adult students, juggling mortgages, childcare and retraining while also underemployed in the workforce. The costs of education continues to rise and many leave education with tens of thousands in student loan debt. We have bodies of children being discovered and how does our society deal with that grief? Our students want answers from candidates—how will each party help students and their families with the complex list of challenges they face? How will each party move forward reconciliation with First Nations in a meaningful way?”

Lennox said everyone in the community is invited to attend this meeting. Questions will be focused on the issues mentioned, along with questions from the participants.

To register, email to receive the online link and to submit questions for consideration.

The meeting will be livestreamed on YouTube on Thursday, Sept. 16 starting at 7 p.m.

NISU represents all North Island College students, more than 5,000 full time learners from all over Vancouver Island and beyond.

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