North Okanagan residents will be asked for input on transit from Thursday to Oct. 31.

North Okanagan residents will be asked for input on transit from Thursday to Oct. 31.

North Okanagan residents can shape the future of transit

Special bus will be seeking public input throughout the region

North Okanagan residents can play a role in the future of transit.

The Transit Future Bus will be making the rounds between Thursday and Oct. 31 to garner public input on the transit system.

“It will go to some populated areas like the Schubert Centre and the Pumpkin Festival,” said Meribeth Burton, B.C. Transit spokesperson.

“The aim is to make it convenient for people to participate.”

The decommissioned bus will provide information on the local transit system and residents can fill out surveys.

“Are there any components of the system under-serviced?” said Burton.

“We want feedback. What’s working well and what can be done in the future?”

The first stop for the Transit Future Bus will be at the Okanagan College campus Thursday at noon.

Students and campus staff will be asked for their thoughts on transit.

“They have some unique ridership issues there,” said Burton.

Vernon Morning Star