Dagmar Wichary, a former Yellow Point resident who now lives in north Nanaimo, flips through photo albums during the Grand Opening of the North Oyster Community Centre on Sunday, Sept. 8, which celebrated the end of a 20-year-long restoration project. Wichary’s children used to go to school in this building, and she was happy to see it renovated and to re-connect with old friends. The Grand Opening coincided with the 100th anniversary of the building. Originally built as a schoolhouse on the grounds currently occupied by the North Oyster Elementary School, the structure was completed in 1912 and opened in 1913.

Dagmar Wichary, a former Yellow Point resident who now lives in north Nanaimo, flips through photo albums during the Grand Opening of the North Oyster Community Centre on Sunday, Sept. 8, which celebrated the end of a 20-year-long restoration project. Wichary’s children used to go to school in this building, and she was happy to see it renovated and to re-connect with old friends. The Grand Opening coincided with the 100th anniversary of the building. Originally built as a schoolhouse on the grounds currently occupied by the North Oyster Elementary School, the structure was completed in 1912 and opened in 1913.

North Oyster celebrates completion of Community Centre renovations

Current and former North Oyster residents gathered at the North Oyster Community Centre Sept. 8 to celebrate the completion of renovations.

Ladysmith Chronicle