North Thompson Star/Journal moves to Thursday publication date

Barriere community newspaper changes publication date from Monday to Thursday

  • Aug. 26, 2012 5:00 a.m.

After decades of reaching our readers with a Monday delivery date, your community newspaper will soon be making the change to publish mid-week.

Starting the second week of September  2012, the Star/Journal will no longer be delivered on Mondays. Instead, it will be in your mailbox and on the newsstands on Thursdays.

In other words, volume 38, issue number 37, which otherwise would have come out on Monday, Sept. 10, will instead come out on Thursday, Sept. 13.

Deadlines will change along with delivery dates.

The new deadline for news copy (stories and photos), calendar of events, church notices, and business directory will be Fridays at 5 p.m.

For classified ads, display ads and weekend news copy, the new deadline will be Mondays at 12 noon.

Reasons for the change are two-fold; firstly, due to the fact that weekends are when most community events take place, a Thursday publication date will bring coverage of those events to our readers sooner than before.  Secondly, is the shifting market for advertisers; many businesses do the majority of their sales on the weekend. Bringing the newspaper out later in the week will mean that those businesses’ ads will be fresher in people’s minds and therefore more effective.

Although we will be coming out on Thursday instead of Monday, this in no way will change the content of the Star/Journal; it will remain your local source for community news, views, and more.



Barriere Star Journal