North Westside governance study gains steam

Community Development Minister Peter Fassbender has provided information on the issue

The Regional District of Central Okanagan has received further information from the provincial government on North Westside governance.

The Regional District of Central Okanagan has received further information from the provincial government on North Westside governance.

The North Westside’s elected representative will push for a governance review now that Victoria’s support appears clear.

The North Westside Communities Association and the Regional District of Central Okanagan have received a letter from Community Development Minister Peter Fassbender on a potential review of governance options for the area.

“I understand now from our communications that the board is considering a study that includes all of the North Westside fire protection service area and I support considering that scope as it includes the largest populous in your communities, rather than narrowing the geography within the North Westside,” said Fassbender in the letter.

Previously, Fassbender had only identified Killiney Beach and he had indicated it was too small to pursue municipal status.

Wayne Carson, North Westside director, welcomes Fassbender’s acknowledgement that any study will cover an area from Westshore to LaCasa.

“The ministry is on the job and concerned,” he said.

Ministry staff will provide information to the RDCO board Nov. 28.

“I will put forward a motion at that time for board support for a governance study,” said Wayne Carson.

The North Westside Communities Association welcomes Fassbender’s clarification of a study and its scope.

“We have received fantastic news from Minister Fassbender,” said Michelle Carson, association vice-president.

Currently, North Westside, with a population of 1,000 to 1,500, has one director at the 12-member RDCO board table.

Many North Westside residents have indicated that current structure doesn’t represent their needs because the area is quite a ways from the RDCO office and service costs are growing.

A 700-name petition calling for a study was received by RDCO.











Vernon Morning Star