North Westside process clarified

RDCO will receive a letter Monday from Community Development Minister Peter Fassbender

Peter Fassbender, community development minister, has written a letter about North Westside governance.

Peter Fassbender, community development minister, has written a letter about North Westside governance.

The governance process for the North Westside is being clarified.

The Regional District of Central Okanagan board will receive a letter Monday from Community Development Minister Peter Fassbender about recent comments he made about a potential governance review for North Westside.

“I believe a small-scale review, with a focus on local decision making and input  into the regional district  services would be the best starting  point  to determine whether and where to focus any next steps,” writes Fassbender.

“ Should the board request  support for such a review, the ministry would  be happy to assist.”

Wayne Carson, North Westside director, says the letter doesn’t reflect discussions he had with Fassbender. at the Union of B.C. Municipalities conference.

“I need a definition of what’s part of the review. The community asked for a study on governance and my understanding was we’d get a study on governance,” he said.

“We want some autonomy, some self-government.”

In the letter, Fassbender says studies of governance and service issues vary from community to community.

“For some communities, an incorporation focus makes sense. For others, approaches  within the existing regional district  electoral area structure are most appropriate,” said Fassbender.

“Given the size of the community at Killiney Beach and the lack of similar requests from other communities within the electoral areas, this study falls into the latter  category.”


Vernon Morning Star