Not a cent spent on campaigns for some Armstrong councillors

Expenses documents show four Armstrong councillors did not receive any contributions or pay any expenses during November campaign

  • Mar. 23, 2012 6:00 a.m.

It didn’t cost a lot of money to run for council in Armstrong.

Four incumbent councillors didn’t spend a penny during the municipal election campaign, nor did they receive any contributions, and the quartet – Shirley Fowler, Paul Britton, Ryan Nitchie and John Trainor – were all re-elected.

“Essentially, the only things you spend money on during elections are advertising and election signs,” said Trainor, who was elected for a sixth term in November. “I didn’t advertise and I re-used my previous election signs.”

Nitchie told people during the campaign that he didn’t put up signs because he hoped people would vote for him based on his community involvement and what he’s done for the community as a councillor.

“I’m fortunate that I have a job and do different things in the community where I’m approachable,” said Nitchie, who is heavily involved with the Armstrong Shamrocks senior and junior lacrosse clubs. “I get a chance to talk to the public during the day and that’s the best campaigning you can possibly do.”

Nitchie doesn’t think not spending any money is a sign of overconfidence.

“I’m always nervous every election, you never know what can happen,” he said.

Fellow incumbents Sully O’Sullivan and Kelly Rowe did have expenses during the campaign.

O’Sullivan spent the most of any Armstrong candidate, spending $523.04 out of his own pocket for a mail-out pamphlet. He, too, re-used previous election signs.

“I thought it was a good idea to spend some money on the election,” said O’Sullivan.

Rowe spent $268.80 on election signs.

Councillor challengers Robert Thibeau and Dave McKechnie each reported expenses, Thibeau just under $500 at $494.80 and McKechnie spent $252.

Mayor Chris Pieper also reported zero expenses but he was voted in by acclamation.

In Spallumcheen, mayor elect Janice Brown reported expenses of $1,014 and no contributions.

Dave Brew, the former councillor who lost to Brown, reported $1,565.05 in contributions, and put all of that towards his expenses.

Tom Boeve spent $733.60 in a failed attempt at gaining a council seat, and reported no contributions.

Coun. Ed Hanoski spent $610.08, eight dollars more than Christine Fraser, who reported a $300 contribution from a Surrey company.

Rachael Ganson spent $225.24 and Joe VanTienhoven reported $170 in contributions and $170 in expenses.

Carolyn Ferris, Andrew Casson and Todd York each reported no contributions and expenses, though York was late in filing his report, resulting in a $500 fine.












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