The public can give their opinion on the pot business prohibition at council on Dec. 11. (Pixabay)

The public can give their opinion on the pot business prohibition at council on Dec. 11. (Pixabay)

Not a whiff of public concern on pot bylaw

Pot, CBC criticism and softball on the agenda for the Dec. 11 meeting at Prince Rupert's city hall

  • Dec. 11, 2017 12:00 a.m.

Council is far from dazed and confused about how they want to deal with pot businesses in Prince Rupert. All councillors are in favour of extending the temporary prohibition on marijuana in the city, but first, they needed to hear from the public.

When Mayor Lee Brain invited people to speak at the public hearing on Dec. 11 no one stepped forward.

“For us, on a local level, we’re essentially saying here today we’re going to wait to see what they say are the rules and then we’ll make our rules based on their rules so that it’s a nice seamless transition,” Mayor Lee Brain said at the meeting.

READ MORE: Council favours extending its pot bylaw

Committee of the Whole

This was the public’s first time to be heard in council since Oct. 30, and the last time before the new year. The last committee of the whole was scheduled for Nov. 27, but was cancelled. The City of Prince Rupert has cancelled three committee of the whole meetings this year.

Council heard from the Prince Rupert Minor Softball Association on field maintenance and availability.

Kathleen Palm and Evelyn Basso presented their report on the lack of stories from B.C.’s North Coast on CBC Radio One. The advocates submitted a list of recommendations alongside a tally of how many stories featured nearby communities.

READ MORE: The City of Prince Rupert cancels Nov. 27 council meeting

Council extended the bylaw from Jan. 1 to July 1, 2018, when marijuana will be legal.

The first and second readings were already passed on Nov. 14. The bylaw was originally put in place on Feb. 6, in preparation for the provincial and federal frameworks that were anticipated for Jan. 1, 2018. That legislation is now expected to be announced on July 1.

The Northern View