Not quite all candidates

  • Apr. 20, 2011 4:00 p.m.
Not quite all candidates

Not quite all candidates

Rebuttal cards were raised frequently during an All Candidates Debate held at The Burns Lake and District Chamber of Commerce last week. (L-R) Rod Taylor, member of the Christian Heritage Party, Clay Harmon, member of the Conservatives and MP Nathan Cullen of the New Democratic Party debated answers to public questions including health care and government spending. Missing from the debate, but running for election in the riding was Laurence Knowles from the Rhinoceros Party, Kyle Warwick from the Liberal Party, Maggie Braun from the Canadian Action Party, and Roger Benham from the Green Party. Subsequently Lakes District News received numerous phone calls from disappointed locals who would have attended, but were not aware that the meeting was held.


Burns Lake Lakes District News