Nude intoxicated man found passed out in school field

Terrace RCMP responded to approximately 43 calls for service from August 3rd, 8 a.m. till August 4th, 8 a.m.

  • Aug. 4, 2016 11:00 a.m.

Terrace RCMP responded to approximately 43 calls for service from August 3rd, 8 a.m. till August 4th, 8 a.m.

During the same time period, two people were lodged in Terrace cells; none for intoxication.

Downtown Terrace

A person panhandling outside of a bank. Police spoke with a youth in the area.

Intoxicated woman being pushed in a shopping cart down Sparks St./Lakelse Ave. Police requested the assistance of BC Ambulance who transported her to Mills Memorial Hospital.

Intoxicated group in the CN rail yard. Checks of the area were done.

Elsewhere Terrace

A warrant was issued for a 25-year-old woman for failing to comply with probation.

Threats complaint. Police spoke with a man. The incident was already being investigated.

Abandoned 911 call. Youths were playing with a phone.

Assist Whitecourt RCMP with document service.

Sexual assault investigation.

A backpack went missing from the bushes in behind the arena.

Shoplifters left Walmart in a silver Chrysler car after being confronted by an employee. Under investigation.

A man being disruptive at the hospital. Police spoke with the man and a resolution was reached.

An orange semi-truck and trailer with its four-way flashers on being driven in jerky fashion on the Sande Overpass. Attendance was not made.

Police assisted Terrace Fire Department with a house fire. The fire started from improper disposal of smoking materials in the garbage.

Guess brand glasses with a black metal frame were lost.

Domestic dispute. A man was arrested on an outstanding warrant.

A warrant was issued for a 39-year-old and a 41-year-old man for failing to attend court.

Abandoned 911 call at the hospital. Attendance was made and police presence was not needed.

A Firearms Act investigation.

An unwanted panhandler hanging around a business on Hwy 16 west. Police spoke with the man and he moved.

A grey 2003 Chevrolet Monte Carlo being driven with no insurance. Police located the vehicle. The licence plate was attached to another vehicle so it was seized. A man was arrested.

Two intoxicated people causing a disturbance on Kalum St. Police spoke with a man and a woman who went their way. The woman was spoken with again a short time later.

A bonfire in the woods near Caledonia School. Terrace Fire Department attended and finished dousing the fire that was smoldering. There was nobody in the area.

Intoxicated person in the school grounds off of Loen Ave. A nude intoxicated man was located passed out in the field. BC Ambulance transported the man to Mills Memorial Hospital due to his level of intoxication.

A suspicious person at a residence on Sparks St. Checks of the area were done.

Assist Salmon Arm RCMP with document service.

An iPhone was lost possibly in a yard on Straume St. on the night on July 31st.

A found property file.

A person has lost over $3,000 in the Canada Revenue Agency phone scam. Under investigation.

A known shoplifter inside of Safeway was asked to leave and is now loitering outside of store.


An intoxicated woman walking into traffic on Dudley Little Bridge. Police spoke with the woman and a ride was arranged.

A lost child on Hawthorne Ave. She was relocated with family who was out looking for her.

Suicidal woman on the Old Bridge. Checks were done of the area. Further details could not be obtained.

Four youths making noise on Dobbie St./Kirkaldy St. Checks of the area were done.

Information received.

Two youth acting weird on Queensway Dr./Substation Rd. Checks of the area were done.


A blue Dodge in the ditch near Kalum Lake Rd./Giesbrecht Rd. The vehicle was abandoned and had damage to the front end side. Under investigation.

ATVs on the road near the Copper River Bridge. Attendance was not made.

A commercial tanker truck speeding and passing unsafely on Hwy 16 east near Gitaus. Checks of the area were done.

If you have information about crime, contact the Terrace RCMP at 250-638-7400 or anonymously through Crime Stoppers by telephone at 1-800-222-TIPS, online at or by texting keyword TERRACE followed by your message to 274637 (CRIMES).

Terrace Standard