Oak Bay hires new chief constable

Second consecutive RCMP police officer takes the helm at Oak Bay.

Powell River RCMP detachment commander, Sgt. Andy Brinton, has been named Oak Bay Police Department’s new chief constable.”We are very pleased to have (Andy) Brinton coming on board,” Mayor Nils Jensen said in a release today.”His commitment to community policing and his collaborative work with community groups and the municipality in Powell River will serve him well in this new role. The Oak Bay Police Board was impressed with his wholistic approach to addressing crime and community issues.”Brinton starts his new job in April. He replaces outgoing Chief Const. Mark Fisher, who is returning to the Mounties as Nanaimo RCMP detachment officer in charge. Fisher held the top job in Oak Bay for just over two years.Brinton has been with the RCMP for 32 years and in Powell River for five years. He has served as an operations non-commissioned officer at the West Coast Marine detachment, been a watch commander in Parksville and detachment commander in Boston Bar. He also served in Gibsons, Whistler and Burnaby.reporter@vicnews.com

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